
New Hugo Theme & Shortcodes

I’ve finally got round to updating my website theme. It’s build using Hugo (see this post) and I’m now using the simple LoveIt Theme.

Hugo Shortcodes

I’m liking some of the built-in shortcodes you get using this pipeline. There’s more examples extensive information here and here. These are a few of my recent favourites.

Admonition Banners

Tip admonition banner
See below for an example of how a Mermaid diagram can be included directly in the page
Warning admonition banner
Warnings stand out
Note admonition banner
Notes are great for highlighting a specific piece of information
Info admonition banner
Similar to Notes


Mermaid is an awesome tool to define simple flow charts as code. The simple syntax lets you create diagrams and easily edit them as they are stored in source control.

Here’s an example showing my Hugo website build pipeline:


TypeIt is a nice javascript plugin which animates text as if it is being typed into the page live.